How Do I Win A Contested Divorce

“Winning” a divorce can mean different things to different people. For one person it could mean that the majority of assets will go to you, while for another person the primary focus could be their house, or even more importantly their parental and guardianship rights to their children. If you want a divorce and the […]

How Social Media Can Affect Your Divorce

With how social media has progressed since the early 2000’s, nearly everyone has posted things online on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. that can negatively affect them later on. During a divorce, many people make the mistake of posting things that they shouldn’t as well as leaving things readily available for people to find and […]

What Happens In A Contested Divorce?

A divorce can be a lengthy legal process in itself. Married couples who decide to separate must undergo a legal process to dissolve their marriage, which is necessary for both parties to be legally single again and have the freedom to remarry in the future. During the divorce, the ex-couple must decide how to divide […]

Is It Worth Contesting a Divorce?

While many marriages end in divorce, the process will differ for couples. For couples who undergo an amicable divorce, follow a prenup, or can agree on divorce terms, the process can be relatively quick as they don’t need to go to court for resolution. However, when couples can’t agree to terms such as assets, debt, […]